Female, Unit A

Born: 2017
Mother: Rounder

Born: 2017
Mother: Rounder

Accra is Rounder’s daughter and is the ‘middle calf’ in the trio of offspring born between 2016 and 2018. As a yearling she was often observed swimming with her mother or caretakers, but she was nearly always in the presence of her two similarly-aged calf mates. She and the youngest calf Ariel regularly engaged in close, tactile play.

When we first met Accra in 2018, she was gregarious and confident, boldly approaching researchers and vying for attention along with the other calves. The following year, she was noticeably more reserved. She still played enthusiastically with her calf-mates but was far less interested in humans. However, she did participate in one encounter where she and her companions stopped to log at the surface in a tight row, tilting their bodies and inching towards us for a closer look with open mouths and audible creaks.

She is now a juvenile and has begun breaching, along with her constant companion Aurora. Accra still spends plenty of time with young Ariel and typically accompanies her mother Rounder when the group travels.

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Smooth pectoral fins, no facial markings
Smooth underside, no obvious markings
Two distinct bites on right fluke

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