Welcome to our ongoing study of the sperm whales who inhabit the coastline of Dominica. The fact that they are resident families offers a rare opportunity for us to conduct long-term observations of their specific culture. Through extensive research as citizen scientists we are able to present the whales as relatable personalities and family members.

We are excited to introduce these magnificent beings to you not simply as a fascinating species but as unique, highly evolved individuals who live within cohesive social units. Our intention is to inspire you to care about the whales in a deeper, more personal way by inviting you into the intimate lives of sperm whales.


Every whale is unique in physical appearance and personality. Our proprietary catalog enables us to identify individuals by their distinctive features as seen from underwater. We present each of the whales and their families in exquisite detail, provide insights into their ebullient personalities, and describe who they are to one another.

Meet the Units

Sperm whale females, young males, and dependent calves live in stable, largely matrilineal groups called social units. While females remain in their birth family for life, males leave the unit at adolescence. There are twelve social units regularly seen off the coast of Dominica throughout the year. The whales and units are organized into family trees to illustrate their lineage and interrelationships.
Sperm whale females, young males, and dependent calves live in stable, largely matrilineal groups called social units. While females remain in their birth family for life, males leave the unit at adolescence. There are twelve social units regularly seen off the coast of Dominica throughout the year. The whales and units are organized into family trees to illustrate their lineage and interrelationships.


Sperm whales spend the majority of their lives thousands of feet underwater where they voraciously forage for food. During their brief time at the surface they rest, frolic, connect with their families and display other fascinating behaviors. Here is a dynamic glimpse into these intimate activities.


Each year we present a comprehensive written report of our field observations to the Dominica Fisheries Department. The cumulative data from our ongoing study paints an intricate portrait of these extraordinary whales. Join us as we take a deeper dive into understanding the sperm whale population of the Eastern Caribbean.


Sperm whales are neurologically wired for social connection. They live in cooperative, gregarious social units that remain together for generations. These tightly knit groups provide the whales protection, support, shared knowledge, and a sense of belonging within a community. They are stronger as a collective, as are we.

About Sperm Whales Dominica…

About Sperm Whales Dominica…

We are a citizen-science based collective whose mission is to inspire understanding, compassion, and protection of sperm whales and their ocean habitats.

We conduct research and collect data specific to the whale population of the Eastern Caribbean. Our in-depth study is meant to serve as a bridge to foster global appreciation for sperm whales as a sophisticated culture deserving of our respect and consideration.

The ocean is our planet’s primary life support system, and the health of our marine ecosystems is not only vital to the survival of our human culture, but that of other species. Our role as aquatic ambassadors is to bring the whales of Dominica to life within the hearts and minds of viewers for the purpose of motivating action on behalf of these majestic cetaceans to ensure their sustainability by preserving their ocean habitat.