
We support those with whom we are connected. Connection has to do with the quality of our interactions. It is the depth, meaning, and substance of our interactivity that define the integrity of our relationships. When we share a personal bond, we are instinctively driven to support and protect one another.

In this section we celebrate our human connections by acknowledging those who inspire us and make our project possible. We offer ways for you to get involved in our work and we encourage your support of our ongoing endeavors. To conclude, we pay tribute to some of the lasting relationships we are forming with the whales. We also explain how and why sperm whales are so connected.


We would like to express our gratitude to the following people and organizations who work on behalf of the whales and the ocean. They inspire us to do our part to bring conscious awareness to the sea and its precious inhabitants.

The groundbreaking research on sperm whales conducted by marine biologist Shane Gero and associates has laid the foundation for our identification practices.

Fellow colleagues and technical divers at Project Baseline have helped us to cultivate the mindset, skill base, and inspiration to conduct long-term observational research as citizen scientists.

A pioneer in sustainable ecotourism, Aquatic Adventures has facilitated in-water encounters with whales for over 30 years and has helped governments to establish regulations that prioritize the well-being of the whales.
Since 1977, Save the Whales has been working to preserve and protect the ocean and its inhabitants by promoting marine conservation through education.
This innovative organization literally removes plastic debris from the ocean, keeping it out of the stomachs of whales and repurposing it to create meaningful jewelry.

Here are ways that you can support us and the whales:

1. Join a Field Session:

2. Visit Our Online Store:

3. Donate to Help Fund Our Study:

4. Follow Us On Social Media:

Interspecies Connections: Ariel and Spindle Neurons