Snow Woman
Female, Unit A

Born: <2005
Mother: Oryx

Born: <2005
Mother: Oryx

Snow Woman is the offspring of Oryx, who is believed to be deceased. She is a large and powerfully built whale who exudes a composed, even-keeled, and self-assured essence. 

As a juvenile, Snow Woman was frequently observed in the company of the youngest members of the social group, keeping a watchful eye on them and making her steady presence known. During socialization periods she typically hovered nearby while the calves friskily played, but would sometimes place herself in the midst of the action. Her movement was less active and her body position was more stable, but she was nevertheless an integral part of the fun. The constant caretaking of these calves seems to have primed her for motherhood.

At nineteen years old, Snow Woman now has a calf of her own. The little male was born early-to-mid year in 2021, and is the only one of three calves born that year to have survived. Snow Woman spends a great deal of time with her son and we have observed her nursing him on several occasions over the past few years.

While she carries herself with confidence, Snow Woman is somewhat indifferent to researchers. We have seen her on multiple occasions and she typically goes about her business with little interest or concern about our presence in the water.

Scalloped bite on right pectoral fin, rounded left fin
Smooth underside, no obvious markings
Squared serration on left fluke near median notch, comblike bites on both edges

Dec 14, 2022

Dec 5, 2019

Dec 9, 2022

Nov 24, 2022

Nov 25, 2018

Dec 4, 2019

Dec 7, 2019

Dec 14, 2022

Nov 24, 2022

Nov 27, 2018

Dec 14, 2022

Dec 7, 2019

Last Observed

Date / Time Location Activity
14/12/2022 11:44 am 15 19 825/061 29 439
6.5 miles from shore
Snow Woman departs after free diver harasses her calf while group is sleeping
14/12/2022 12:36 pm 15 19 825/061 29 439
7 miles from shore
Snow Woman glides under the surface with her calf in tow
14/12/2022 12:16 pm 15 19 825/061 29 439
6.5 miles from shore
Snow Woman approaches with all members of unit as they travel at the surface
07/12/2021 2:18 pm 15 22 123/061 30 396
4 miles from shore
Snow Woman approaches researchers and allows for brief swim-along
30/11/2021 12:40 pm 15 22 069/061 36 047
11 miles from shore
Snow Woman swims past from left to right for good fluke ID
22/11/2021 12:22 pm 15 19 823/061 32 060
9 miles from shore
Snow Woman swims as her calf nuzzles and tucks into her genital region as they join Atwood and calf
10/12/2019 12:53 pm 15 20 201/061 29 622
5.8 miles from shore
Snow Woman and 8 members of Unit A sleep peacefully
08/12/2019 1:31 pm 15 14 611/061 26 921
4.9 miles from shore
Snow Woman swims underneath with 3 whales, belly-up, emitting creaks, codas
Date/Time: 14/12/2022 11:44 am
Location: 15 19 825/061 29 439
6.5 miles from shore
Activity: Snow Woman departs after free diver harasses her calf while group is sleeping

Date/Time: 14/12/2022 12:36 pm
Location: 15 19 825/061 29 439
7 miles from shore
Activity: Snow Woman glides under the surface with her calf in tow

Date/Time: 14/12/2022 12:16 pm
Location: 15 19 825/061 29 439
6.5 miles from shore
Activity: Snow Woman approaches with all members of unit as they travel at the surface

Date/Time: 07/12/2021 2:18 pm
Location: 15 22 123/061 30 396
4 miles from shore
Activity: Snow Woman approaches researchers and allows for brief swim-along

Date/Time: 30/11/2021 12:40 pm
Location: 15 22 069/061 36 047
11 miles from shore
Activity: Snow Woman swims past from left to right for good fluke ID

Date/Time: 22/11/2021 12:22 pm
Location: 15 19 823/061 32 060
9 miles from shore
Activity: Snow Woman swims as her calf nuzzles and tucks into her genital region as they join Atwood and calf

Date/Time: 10/12/2019 12:53 pm
Location: 15 20 201/061 29 622
5.8 miles from shore
Activity: Snow Woman and 8 members of Unit A sleep peacefully

Date/Time: 08/12/2019 1:31 pm
Location: 15 14 611/061 26 921
4.9 miles from shore
Activity: Snow Woman swims underneath with 3 whales, belly-up, emitting creaks, codas