Female, Unit A

Born: 2005
Mother: Lady Oracle

Born: 2005
Mother: Lady Oracle

Rounder has a gentle, agreeable, and light-hearted disposition. She gave birth to her first calf at twelve years of age in 2017. As a young mother, Rounder was often seen with Accra and her young calf mates during the calves’ lively play sessions. Although she refrained from frolicking, Rounder was very much in the mix as a fun-loving, passive guardian.

She has consistently been at ease with us as researchers. One day during our 2019 field session when the unit was traveling, she purposely stopped with the three calves to wait for us to enter the water. They logged in place for several minutes to scrutinize us before she and the calves resumed their journey. We saw her breach on several different days that year. In 2021 she was frequently seen swimming in tandem with Accra, who is now a juvenile.

Rounder’s gentle nature was vividly illustrated when I was once documenting Unit A as they slept. The sleeping whales were disrupted by the sudden, noisy intrusion of a group of photographers who pushed into me and crowded the whales. Startled, the whales abruptly surfaced to swim away. Although I was in Rounder’s direct path, pinned in place and unable to move out of her way, she calmly looked me in the eye, consciously adjusted her body, and flattened her pectoral fin to her side to avoid bumping and harming me.

While Rounder has consistently been patient with humans who have entered her domain, we observed her become visibly agitated during our 2022 field session. All members of Unit A1 had settled into vertical sleeping positions 15 – 20 ft below us and were resting soundly as we floated quietly at the surface. Ten minutes into the encounter, a group of free divers from a tour boat began diving down among the sleeping whales which prompted Rounder to surface and commence tail lobbing. Her family group swiftly woke up, ascended, and swam away.

Clean, strong pectoral fins, no distinct facial markings
Small, slightly discolored mark on underside
Two distinct scalloped bites on edge of right fluke

Dec 8, 2022

Dec 8, 2022

Dec 6, 2022

Nov 25, 2018

Dec 9, 2019

Nov 25, 2018

Dec 7, 2022

Dec 8, 2022

Nov 25, 2018

Nov 25, 2018

Dec 7, 2022

Nov 26, 2018

Last Observed

Date / Time Location Activity
09/12/2022 11:55 am 15 20 089/061 28 720
2.5 miles from shore
Rounder and family members are jarred from sleep by free divers, Rounder begins tail lobbing in agitation, group ascends and departs
08/12/2022 11:13 am 15 21 940/061 29 416
4.5 miles from shore
Rounder makes beautiful open mouthed pass with her mother Lady Oracle
07/12/2022 2:11 pm 15 17 777/061 26 422
4 miles from shore
Rounder and all family members settle to sleep soundly
22/11/2021 1:01 pm 15 19 823/061 32 060
9 miles from shore
Rounder dives to rest, gliding down behind playful calf Ariel
21/11/2021 1:43 pm 15 10 578/061 23 206
8 miles from shore
4 whales approach, Rounder dives with Atwood’s calf who appears to nurse
21/11/2021 1:15 pm 15 10 578/061 23 206
8 miles from shore
Rounder sleeps and bubbles as Accra circles, whales depart, Rounder with belly up
10/12/2019 1:05 pm 15 20 201/061 29 622
5.8 miles from shore
Rounder ascends with care to avoid bumping researchers after sleeping Unit A is disrupted by aggressive tourists
08/12/2019 8:57 am 15 16 032/061 28 217
5.4 miles from shore
Rounder and Accra make slow, close pass, calf has squid tendril hanging from mouth
Date/Time: 09/12/2022 11:55 am
Location: 15 20 089/061 28 720
2.5 miles from shore
Activity: Rounder and family members are jarred from sleep by free divers, Rounder begins tail lobbing in agitation, group ascends and departs

Date/Time: 08/12/2022 11:13 am
Location: 15 21 940/061 29 416
4.5 miles from shore
Activity: Rounder makes beautiful open mouthed pass with her mother Lady Oracle

Date/Time: 07/12/2022 2:11 pm
Location: 15 17 777/061 26 422
4 miles from shore
Activity: Rounder and all family members settle to sleep soundly

Date/Time: 22/11/2021 1:01 pm
Location: 15 19 823/061 32 060
9 miles from shore
Activity: Rounder dives to rest, gliding down behind playful calf Ariel

Date/Time: 21/11/2021 1:43 pm
Location: 15 10 578/061 23 206
8 miles from shore
Activity: 4 whales approach, Rounder dives with Atwood’s calf who appears to nurse

Date/Time: 21/11/2021 1:15 pm
Location: 15 10 578/061 23 206
8 miles from shore
Activity: Rounder sleeps and bubbles as Accra circles, whales depart, Rounder with belly up

Date/Time: 10/12/2019 1:05 pm
Location: 15 20 201/061 29 622
5.8 miles from shore
Activity: Rounder ascends with care to avoid bumping researchers after sleeping Unit A is disrupted by aggressive tourists

Date/Time: 08/12/2019 8:57 am
Location: 15 16 032/061 28 217
5.4 miles from shore
Activity: Rounder and Accra make slow, close pass, calf has squid tendril hanging from mouth