Female, Unit R

Born: <2000
Mother: Unknown

Born: <2000
Mother: Unknown

Rip is a large, self-assured, and sturdily built member of Unit R. As one of the more mature whales within her group, she emanates a calm and measured disposition. She is cooperative and will occasionally make close passes however she usually maintains a calculated degree of distance from our in-water researchers.

Rip gave birth to Rap in 2008, and has often been observed swimming with her daughter who has recently given birth to her own calf.

Smooth pectoral fins, a few facial scratches on left side
Smooth underside, no obvious markings
Jagged and curved on left, notch, curves and damaged tip on right fluke

Dec 7, 2016

Dec 6, 2016

Dec 9, 2016

Dec 7, 2016

Dec 6, 2016

Dec 9, 2016

Dec 3, 2018

Dec 6, 2016

Dec 3, 2018

Dec 9, 2016

Last Observed

Date / Time Location Activity
03/12/2018 12:23 pm 15 28 740/061 28 448
2 miles from shore
Rip swims by rapidly
09/12/2016 9:10 am 15 30 826/061 46 594
4 miles from shore
Rip and juvenile daughter Rap swim together for close up duet
06/12/2016 1:20 pm 15 34 613/061 43 479
1.5 miles from shore
Rip and Rap gracefully fly by
06/12/2016 11:20 am 15 35 849/061 45 047
2 miles from shore
Rip and Rap make conscious connection with researchers
05/12/2016 10:26 am 15 33 730/061 41 955
2 miles from shore
4 Unit R whales approach, Rip and Rap peel off for close fly by
Date/Time: 03/12/2018 12:23 pm
Location: 15 28 740/061 28 448
2 miles from shore
Activity: Rip swims by rapidly

Date/Time: 09/12/2016 9:10 am
Location: 15 30 826/061 46 594
4 miles from shore
Activity: Rip and juvenile daughter Rap swim together for close up duet

Date/Time: 06/12/2016 1:20 pm
Location: 15 34 613/061 43 479
1.5 miles from shore
Activity: Rip and Rap gracefully fly by

Date/Time: 06/12/2016 11:20 am
Location: 15 35 849/061 45 047
2 miles from shore
Activity: Rip and Rap make conscious connection with researchers

Date/Time: 05/12/2016 10:26 am
Location: 15 33 730/061 41 955
2 miles from shore
Activity: 4 Unit R whales approach, Rip and Rap peel off for close fly by