Rap's Calf
Female, Unit R

Born: 2020 (late)
Mother: Rap

Born: 2020 (late)
Mother: Rap

Rap gave birth to her first calf in late 2020 or early 2021. We first observed the calf during our 2021 field session swimming at a leisurely pace with Rap and other whales from Unit R. She stayed closest to her mother and was sometimes completely surrounded by affectionate family members.

On one occasion she made a brief pass on her own in front of our observation team, indicating a level of budding independence. Later in the morning Rap swam directly towards us with her calf in tow, as though to introduce her offspring to us. The calf positioned herself nearest to us and eyed us with curiosity as she passed. Thus far she appears to be poised and confident for her age.

Smooth pectoral fins, no facial markings
Smooth underside, no obvious markings
Clean, pristine flukes

Dec 10, 2021

Dec 10, 2021

Dec 10, 2021

Dec 10, 2021

Dec 10, 2021

Dec 10, 2021

Dec 10, 2021

Dec 10, 2021

Last Observed

Date / Time Location Activity
10/12/2021 2:05 pm 15 14 287/061 31 291
8.66 miles from shore
Calf swims at surface as her mother mother Rap swims from below to join her
10/12/2021 12:51 pm 15 11 334/061 33 091
11.2 miles from shore
Calf and Rap swim past researchers, looking up from below
10/12/2021 11:50 am 15 10 142/061 34 018
12.8 miles from shore
Six whales swim below in formation, calf surrounded by adults and juveniles emitting creaks and codas
Date/Time: 10/12/2021 2:05 pm
Location: 15 14 287/061 31 291
8.66 miles from shore
Activity: Calf swims at surface as her mother mother Rap swims from below to join her

Date/Time: 10/12/2021 12:51 pm
Location: 15 11 334/061 33 091
11.2 miles from shore
Activity: Calf and Rap swim past researchers, looking up from below

Date/Time: 10/12/2021 11:50 am
Location: 15 10 142/061 34 018
12.8 miles from shore
Activity: Six whales swim below in formation, calf surrounded by adults and juveniles emitting creaks and codas