Rap 2008
Female, Unit R

Born: 2008
Mother: Rip

Born: 2008
Mother: Rip

Rap is an especially lively and gregarious whale who has been generous in sharing her boisterous personality. Charming, exuberant and inquisitive, she often initiates in-water encounters with researchers and delights whale watching tourists by swimming close to their boats while gazing at the guests.

We developed a positive rapport with Rap during our 2016 field session. As a spirited juvenile, she demonstrated a variety of frisky behaviors over numerous encounters characterized by close, face-to-face interactions with conscious eye contact. She swam underneath us with her stomach exposed, rolled, dipped, hovered and communicated through creaks and clicks. She swung her head from side to side, expressively opened and closed her mouth, and maneuvered to a vertical position for tail lobs. These animated and exaggerated movements were exercised with exquisite control.

When we observed her in 2018, Rap had a series of white, horizontal slashes across the top and bottom portions of the front part of her head. She exhibited the same rambunctious behavior, vying for attention in a light-hearted yet determined manner. Similar to previous encounters, she was intensely interactive for a short period of time, after which she abruptly swam away with a flourish. 

Rap gave birth to her first calf in late 2020 or early 2021. During our field session she intentionally and proudly swam her calf near to researchers for a brief fly-by as the little one peeked at us from below. While her amiable and magnanimous nature is still intact, Rap’s attention is now primarily focused on the care and protection of her offspring. 

Smooth pectoral fins, small scrapes on right side of face
White birthmark and light brushstrokes on underside
Bite on left fluke near tip, two distinct scalloped bites on right fluke

Dec 10, 2021

Dec 3, 2018

Dec 3, 2018

Dec 9, 2016

Dec 10, 2021

Dec 4, 2016

Dec 3, 2018

Dec 6, 2016

Dec 10, 2021

Dec 9, 2016

Dec 9, 2016

Dec 6, 2016

Dec 10, 2021

Dec 9, 2016

Last Observed

Date / Time Location Activity
10/12/2021 2:05 pm 15 14 287/061 31 291
8.66 miles from shore
Rap ascends rapidly from 20 ft to swim alongside her calf
10/12/2021 12:51 pm 15 11 334/061 33 091
11.2 miles from shore
Rap and her calf swim past researchers, looking up from below
10/12/2021 11:50 am 15 10 142/061 34 018
12.8 miles from shore
Six whales swim below in formation, belly-up, Rap, Raucous and juvenile surround small calf while emitting creaks and codas
03/12/2018 1:01 pm 15 30 489/061 28 268
3.1 miles from shore
Rap stops as her unit swims north, tail lobs, swims parallel and close, faces us with jaw open, creaks, clicks, opens mouth wider to show her tongue, floats docilely, rejoins Unit R
03/12/2018 11:40 am 15 27 247/061 27 286
3 miles from shore
Rap swims by with Riot
Date/Time: 10/12/2021 2:05 pm
Location: 15 14 287/061 31 291
8.66 miles from shore
Activity: Rap ascends rapidly from 20 ft to swim alongside her calf

Date/Time: 10/12/2021 12:51 pm
Location: 15 11 334/061 33 091
11.2 miles from shore
Activity: Rap and her calf swim past researchers, looking up from below

Date/Time: 10/12/2021 11:50 am
Location: 15 10 142/061 34 018
12.8 miles from shore
Activity: Six whales swim below in formation, belly-up, Rap, Raucous and juvenile surround small calf while emitting creaks and codas

Date/Time: 03/12/2018 1:01 pm
Location: 15 30 489/061 28 268
3.1 miles from shore
Activity: Rap stops as her unit swims north, tail lobs, swims parallel and close, faces us with jaw open, creaks, clicks, opens mouth wider to show her tongue, floats docilely, rejoins Unit R

Date/Time: 03/12/2018 11:40 am
Location: 15 27 247/061 27 286
3 miles from shore
Activity: Rap swims by with Riot