Female, Unit F

Born: <1990
Mother: Unknown

Born: <1990
Mother: Unknown

Pinchy has represented the core of Unit F for several decades. She has given birth to at least two whales including Tweak in 2007, and Scar, a well-known, gregarious male who left the family group in 2010 to become an independent bachelor. Scar was 13- 15 years old at the time of his departure, placing his birth year between 1995- 1997. Assuming he was her firstborn, the timing of his birth would suggest that Pinchy was born sometime in the early 1980’s. 

Pinchy is a large and robust matriarch who has sustained significant damage to both of her pectoral fins and her flukes. Her left pectoral fin is particularly mangled, which allows us to instantly identify her from the left side. Our interactions with this impressive whale have been brief as she is typically very tentative among humans.

We were fortunate to document Pinchy in 2019 as she traveled in unison with whales from Units F and U. She swam on the periphery of the group and settled deeply underwater when the whales stopped to nap. While she stayed well away from citizen scientists for most of the encounter, she graciously made one close pass enabling us to collect imagery of her from several perspectives. 

We captured her on film again in 2021, while she and members of Unit U were heading offshore towards Guadeloupe. There were no noteworthy changes to her bodily markings when compared to imagery from her previous sighting in 2019.

Severely damaged pectoral fins, left fin mangled
Tiny white dot mid-stomach
Serrations and scallops on both flukes

Nov 25, 2021

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Nov 25, 2021

Dec 9, 2019

Nov 25, 2021

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Nov 25, 2021

Dec 9, 2019

Last Observed

Date / Time Location Activity
19/12/2022 2:32 pm 15 16 100/061 26 978
4.5 miles from shore
Pinchy sleeps with Canopener, Fork nearby at depth of 20 ft while Hope plays at surface
18/12/2022 10:12 am 15 17 535/061 25 987
3.5 miles from shore
Pinchy and Fingers approach with relaxed open mouths before Fingers peels off to swim with Hope
16/12/2022 1:22 pm 15 18 773/061 26 690
3.5 miles from shore
Pinchy approaches and allows for extended swim-along at surface
10/12/2022 2:41 pm 15 22 033/061 26 983
2 miles from shore
Pinchy and Digit approach for close fly by
25/11/2021 12:06 pm 15 28 813/061 35 119
6.5 miles from shore
Pinchy swims by rapidly on way offshore towards Guadeloupe
09/12/2019 1:17 pm 15 20 559/061 28 647
4.8 miles from shore
Pinchy and 5 whales glide with bellies up at 12 ft, all rotate onto stomach to surface, Pinchy shallow dives to lead quiet swim along
09/12/2019 10:16 am 15 21 616/061 27 809
3.6 miles from shore
Pinchy swims with 5 members of Units F and U at surface and shallow depth, Pinchy opens mouth as whales dive deeper
09/12/2019 8:55 am 15 22 835/061 24 871
3.5 miles from shore
Pinchy glides with Fingers on surface allowing close-up of her mangled pectoral fin and view of flukes as they dive
Date/Time: 19/12/2022 2:32 pm
Location: 15 16 100/061 26 978
4.5 miles from shore
Activity: Pinchy sleeps with Canopener, Fork nearby at depth of 20 ft while Hope plays at surface

Date/Time: 18/12/2022 10:12 am
Location: 15 17 535/061 25 987
3.5 miles from shore
Activity: Pinchy and Fingers approach with relaxed open mouths before Fingers peels off to swim with Hope

Date/Time: 16/12/2022 1:22 pm
Location: 15 18 773/061 26 690
3.5 miles from shore
Activity: Pinchy approaches and allows for extended swim-along at surface

Date/Time: 10/12/2022 2:41 pm
Location: 15 22 033/061 26 983
2 miles from shore
Activity: Pinchy and Digit approach for close fly by

Date/Time: 25/11/2021 12:06 pm
Location: 15 28 813/061 35 119
6.5 miles from shore
Activity: Pinchy swims by rapidly on way offshore towards Guadeloupe

Date/Time: 09/12/2019 1:17 pm
Location: 15 20 559/061 28 647
4.8 miles from shore
Activity: Pinchy and 5 whales glide with bellies up at 12 ft, all rotate onto stomach to surface, Pinchy shallow dives to lead quiet swim along

Date/Time: 09/12/2019 10:16 am
Location: 15 21 616/061 27 809
3.6 miles from shore
Activity: Pinchy swims with 5 members of Units F and U at surface and shallow depth, Pinchy opens mouth as whales dive deeper

Date/Time: 09/12/2019 8:55 am
Location: 15 22 835/061 24 871
3.5 miles from shore
Activity: Pinchy glides with Fingers on surface allowing close-up of her mangled pectoral fin and view of flukes as they dive

Explore Unit F

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