Female, Unit J

Born: 2016
Mother: Sophocles

Born: 2016
Mother: Sophocles

Jonah is an amicable juvenile whose mother is Sophocles. She has recently taken on the role of a caretaker within her social group, regularly tending to a pair of rambunctious new calves.

We documented Jonah on Nov 23 and 27, 2021, in the company of members of her social group as well as Unit D. The following year we saw her again on two days in December. She was more confident in 2022 as she boldly approached us on her own for close passes. At times Jonah was accompanied by Jocasta’s calf, and during another memorable encounter the large juvenile slipstreamed under Sophocles as they traveled together as a pair.

As of 2022, Jonah’s flukes are now more distinctive with a scallop on the right fluke and a small V-shaped divot on the left fluke. Her right pectoral fin has been damaged and now features a sizable bite mark. The left pectoral fin has also been bitten and is missing a smaller portion of flesh.

Bite mark on right pectoral fin, smaller bite on left pectoral fin
Smooth underside, no obvious markings
Scallop on right fluke, V-shaped divot on left fluke

Dec 19, 2022

Dec 15, 2022

Dec 19, 2022

Dec 15, 2022

Nov 27, 2021

Dec 19, 2022

Nov 27, 2021

Dec 19, 2022

Dec 19, 2022

Dec 15, 2022

Nov 27, 2021

Dec 19, 2022

Nov 27, 2021

Dec 15, 2022

Last Observed

Date / Time Location Activity
19/12/2022 11:28 am 15 24 313/061 30 240
6 miles from shore
Jonah glides under Sophocles as they make wide, close turn enabling ID
15/12/2022 12:19 pm 15 26 391/061 30 168
4.5 miles from shore
Jonah swims past and dives
15/12/2022 11:20 am 15 27 023/061 31 500
7 miles from shore
Jonah and calf glide just below surface
27/11/2021 10:18 am 15 15 556/061 30 747
7.5 miles from shore
Drop, Jonah and two calves make a slow, relaxed pass
23/11/2021 2:03 pm 15 22 250/061 30 973
6.5 miles from shore
Group of 5 whales approach, Laius, 3 calves and Jonah intertwine as they pass
Date/Time: 19/12/2022 11:28 am
Location: 15 24 313/061 30 240
6 miles from shore
Activity: Jonah glides under Sophocles as they make wide, close turn enabling ID

Date/Time: 15/12/2022 12:19 pm
Location: 15 26 391/061 30 168
4.5 miles from shore
Activity: Jonah swims past and dives

Date/Time: 15/12/2022 11:20 am
Location: 15 27 023/061 31 500
7 miles from shore
Activity: Jonah and calf glide just below surface

Date/Time: 27/11/2021 10:18 am
Location: 15 15 556/061 30 747
7.5 miles from shore
Activity: Drop, Jonah and two calves make a slow, relaxed pass

Date/Time: 23/11/2021 2:03 pm
Location: 15 22 250/061 30 973
6.5 miles from shore
Activity: Group of 5 whales approach, Laius, 3 calves and Jonah intertwine as they pass