Jocasta’s Calf
Female, Unit J

Born: 2021
Mother: Jocasta

Born: 2021
Mother: Jocasta

During our 2021 field session, Jocasta was seen with a small calf whom we believed to be her offspring. The youngster was lively and curious, breaking away from her mother to boldly approach us with another young calf from her unit. We are fairly certain that this inquisitive young whale is a female.

The little calf was present with Jocasta and Unit J on both of the days we encountered the family group in 2022. She was seen with her mother, swimming on her own, and in the company of Lauis’s calf. The calves are best friends and appear to be more confident when they are together.

Smooth pectoral fins, no facial markings
Smooth underside, no obvious markings
Pristine flukes

Nov 23, 2021

Nov 23, 2021

Nov 23, 2021

Dec 15, 2022

Nov 23, 2021

Dec 19, 2022

Dec 15, 2022

Nov 23, 2021

Nov 23, 2021

Dec 19, 2022

Last Observed

Date / Time Location Activity
19/12/2022 11:18 am 15 24 516/061 30 652
6 miles from shore
Calf swims past with friend, Laius’ calf
15/12/2022 10:47 am 15 28 127/061 30 833
4 miles from shore
Jocasta’s calf makes a shallow dive
15/12/2022 9:16 am 15 13 809/061 24 540
3.2 miles from shore
Jocasta’s calf drafts under her mother as they travel together
24/11/2021 11:55 am 15 25 313/061 34 084
13.4 miles from shore
Two adults with calves swim from afar, calf nurses from Jocasta, she and calf slip to opposite sides of Laius as they approach researchers
23/11/2021 1:44 pm 15 21 872/061 30 050
5 miles from shore
Jocasta’s and Laius’ calves break away from traveling adults to approach with open curiosity
Date/Time: 19/12/2022 11:18 am
Location: 15 24 516/061 30 652
6 miles from shore
Activity: Calf swims past with friend, Laius’ calf

Date/Time: 15/12/2022 10:47 am
Location: 15 28 127/061 30 833
4 miles from shore
Activity: Jocasta’s calf makes a shallow dive

Date/Time: 15/12/2022 9:16 am
Location: 15 13 809/061 24 540
3.2 miles from shore
Activity: Jocasta’s calf drafts under her mother as they travel together

Date/Time: 24/11/2021 11:55 am
Location: 15 25 313/061 34 084
13.4 miles from shore
Activity: Two adults with calves swim from afar, calf nurses from Jocasta, she and calf slip to opposite sides of Laius as they approach researchers

Date/Time: 23/11/2021 1:44 pm
Location: 15 21 872/061 30 050
5 miles from shore
Activity: Jocasta’s and Laius’ calves break away from traveling adults to approach with open curiosity