Female, Unit U

Born: 2018
Mother: Fork

Born: 2018
Mother: Fork

Hope is an alert, affectionate, and curious young whale who is on the verge of becoming a juvenile. While she is the offspring of Fork, Hope’s more outgoing social behavior appears to be modeled after Canopener’s gregarious personality.

We collected documentation of Hope in 2019 as her social group periodically slept and traveled between rest stops. During nap time she was restless but docile, quietly amusing herself until the adults woke up. When the group relocated, she swam in unison with members of Units U and F, spinning and twirling around the older whales as they glided as a group. She grew more confident and relaxed in our presence as the encounter progressed.

Smooth pectoral fins, no facial markings
Light whitewash markings near genitals
Bite out of right fluke

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Last Observed

Date / Time Location Activity
19/12/2022 3:09 pm 15 16 100/061 26 978
4.5 miles from shore
Hope swims in tandem with Canopener, joins Digit and Fork as group exchanges codas
18/12/2022 11:15 am 15 18 164/061 26 732
3.5 miles from shore
Hope makes beautiful shallow descent, rolls to playfully show belly, departs
16/12/2022 12:36 pm 15 20 256/061 27 314
3 miles from shore
Hope approaches with mother Fingers for close, extended swim along
09/12/2019 1:25 pm 15 20 559/061 28 647
4. 8 miles from shore
Hope, Canopener, Digit glide parallel to surface at 15ft depth, pivot to show ventral view, Hope stretches, eyes researchers
09/12/2019 11:42 am 15 20 394/061 28 615
4.4 miles from shore
Hope and members of Units U and F approach, dive into sleep position, drift with current
09/12/2019 12:00 am 15 21 616/061 27 809
3.6 miles from shore
Digit and 5 whales slowly approach, dive to glide at 10 ft, intertwine emitting codas, clicks, all whales dive deeper

Date/Time: 19/12/2022 3:09 pm
Location: 15 16 100/061 26 978
4.5 miles from shore
Activity: Hope swims in tandem with Canopener, joins Digit and Fork as group exchanges codas

Date/Time: 18/12/2022 11:15 am
Location: 15 18 164/061 26 732
3.5 miles from shore
Activity: Hope makes beautiful shallow descent, rolls to playfully show belly, departs

Date/Time: 16/12/2022 12:36 pm
Location: 15 20 256/061 27 314
3 miles from shore
Activity: Hope approaches with mother Fingers for close, extended swim along

Date/Time: 09/12/2019 1:25 pm
Location: 15 20 559/061 28 647
4. 8 miles from shore
Activity: Hope, Canopener, Digit glide parallel to surface at 15ft depth, pivot to show ventral view, Hope stretches, eyes researchers

Date/Time: 09/12/2019 11:42 am
Location: 15 20 394/061 28 615
4.4 miles from shore
Activity: Hope and members of Units U and F approach, dive into sleep position, drift with current

Date/Time: 09/12/2019 12:00 am
Location: 15 21 616/061 27 809
3.6 miles from shore
Activity: Digit and 5 whales slowly approach, dive to glide at 10 ft, intertwine emitting codas, clicks, all whales dive deeper


Explore Unit U