Female, Unit U

Born: <2000
Mother: Unknown

Born: <2000
Mother: Unknown

Fork is a large, solidly built and long-standing member of Unit U. She is known to be shy and to avoid interaction with humans. This sizable yet cautious whale has been a mother on more than one occasion, having given birth to Spoon prior to 2005 and to Hope in 2018. Unfortunately, Spoon is believed to be deceased. 

Like many older adult females, Fork has a vertical patch of off-white discoloration along the front portion of her nose between the top of her head and upper lip. The discoloration may be the accumulative effect of long-term foraging practices, or may simply be a natural part of the aging process of sperm whales. The irregular edges of  her flukes also indicate that Fork has lived a long and adventurous life.

We documented Fork in 2019 while she was sleeping and traveling with blended Units U and F. She deliberately kept her distance from observers but was still within visual range for underwater identification and data collection.

Straight edged damage on left, small divot on right fin
White dot near left pec fin, white slash on stomach
Serrations and scallop on left, damage on right

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Last Observed

Date / Time Location Activity
19/12/2022 3:09 pm 15 16 100/061 26 978
4.5 miles from shore
Fork travels with Digit, joins Hope and Canopener as group exchanges codas
04/12/2022 1:08 pm 15 21 649/061 26 672
2 miles from shore
Fork closes in from side to join Canopener and Hope while emitting codas
01/12/2022 1:41 pm 15 24 141/061 31 305
8 miles from shore
Fork dives underneath the surface as all six family members approach from afar
09/12/2019 1:15 pm 15 20 559/061 28 647
4.8 miles from shore
Fork approaches and surfaces with members of Units U and F as they swim together at 15 – 30 ft
09/12/2019 11:42 am 15 20 394/061 28 615
4.4 miles from shore
Fork and 5 members of Units U and F approach as rain falls, slowly slide into sleeping positions, flukes up
09/12/2019 10:35 am 15 21 532/061 27 743
3.4 miles from shore
Fork sleeps with flukes up among members of Units U and F
08/12/2018 8:20 am 15 14 846/061 25 546
4.3 miles from shore
Fork swim by with members of Unit U
Date/Time: 19/12/2022 3:09 pm
Location: 15 16 100/061 26 978
4.5 miles from shore
Activity: Fork travels with Digit, joins Hope and Canopener as group exchanges codas

Date/Time: 04/12/2022 1:08 pm
Location: 15 21 649/061 26 672
2 miles from shore
Activity: Fork closes in from side to join Canopener and Hope while emitting codas

Date/Time: 01/12/2022 1:41 pm
Location: 15 24 141/061 31 305
8 miles from shore
Activity: Fork dives underneath the surface as all six family members approach from afar

Date/Time: 09/12/2019 1:15 pm
Location: 15 20 559/061 28 647
4.8 miles from shore
Activity: Fork approaches and surfaces with members of Units U and F as they swim together at 15 – 30 ft

Date/Time: 09/12/2019 11:42 am
Location: 15 20 394/061 28 615
4.4 miles from shore
Activity: Fork and 5 members of Units U and F approach as rain falls, slowly slide into sleeping positions, flukes up

Date/Time: 09/12/2019 10:35 am
Location: 15 21 532/061 27 743
3.4 miles from shore
Activity: Fork sleeps with flukes up among members of Units U and F

Date/Time: 08/12/2018 8:20 am
Location: 15 14 846/061 25 546
4.3 miles from shore
Activity: Fork swim by with members of Unit U

Explore Unit U