Female, Unit D

Born: <2005
Mother: Unknown

Born: <2005
Mother: Unknown

Dipper is a member of Unit D who was seen in 2021 swimming with calves presumed to be new members of her unit who were mingling in close proximity to whales from Unit J. Unit D had not been observed in the area since 2014.

Smooth pectoral fins, no facial markings
Smooth underside, no obvious markings
Slight damage, scallop on right fluke

Nov 23, 2021

Nov 23, 2021

Last Observed

Date / Time Location Activity
23/11/2021 2:03 pm 15 22 250/061 30 973
6.5 miles from shore
Dipper, juvenile, and 3 calves approach, intertwine with tactile affection as they pass by
Date/Time: 23/11/2021 2:03 pm
Location: 15 22 250/061 30 973
6.5 miles from shore
Activity: Dipper, juvenile, and 3 calves approach, intertwine with tactile affection as they pass by