Female, Unit F

Born: 2011
Mother: Fingers

Born: 2011
Mother: Fingers

Digit is a vibrant and resilient young whale with a courageous spirit. She successfully overcame a life-threatening challenge as a calf by miraculously surviving a severe and prolonged entanglement at the base of her caudal peduncle. The entangled fishing gear was so tightly bound for so long that it impeded growth to the area and disfigured her skin. As a result, she carries deep grooves around the perimeter of the peduncle where it meets the flukes, as well as raised scar tissue and golfball-sized protuberances on the top and lower portions at the base of her left fluke.

Despite her travails as a calf, Digit is a surprisingly confident and sociable whale who is especially self-assured when in the company of Canopener. We had the pleasure of witnessing she and Hope, a calf from Unit U, accompanying Canopener during a swim-along encounter in 2019. The affectionate, tactile youngsters swirled around the then-pregnant older whale while nuzzling her rostrum and rubbing against her swollen stomach.

Digit’s irrepressible spirit and forgiving nature serve as a source of inspiration, reminding us of the importance of living with perseverance and compassion.

Gouge out of left fin, small white marks on face
Small white slash on left side of stomach
Pronounced scars and bumps at base of peduncle, damaged right fluke

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 3, 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 9, 2019

Dec 3, 2019

Last Observed

Date / Time Location Activity
19/12/2022 12:00 am 15 16 100/061 26 978
4.5 miles from shore
Digit swims with Fork, joins Hope and Canopener as group exchanges codas
05/12/2022 12:16 pm 15 21 649/061 26 672
2 miles from shore
Digit dives afar
05/12/2022 11:02 am 15 26 387/061 26 766
3 miles from shore
Digit swims belly up below, remains deep
16/12/2022 1:09 pm 15 20 058/061 25 950
2 miles from shore
Digit makes close beautiful pass
10/12/2022 2:41 pm 15 22 033/061 26 983
2 miles from shore
Digit and Pinchy make slow close pass
09/12/2019 1:25 pm 15 20 559/061 28 647
4.8 miles from shore
Digit glides while in tactile contact with Canopener, Hope at 15 ft, surface lazily as they continue swimming
02/12/2019 12:01 pm 15 20 394/061 28 615
4.8 miles from shore
Digit sleeps among members of Units U and F
09/12/2019 10:16 am 15 21 616/061 27 809
3.6 miles from shore
Digit and 5 whales slowly approach, dive to glide at 10 ft, intertwine emitting codas, clicks, all whales dive deeper
03/12/2019 11:40 am 15 26 251/061 29 322
2.5 miles from shore
Digit, Canopener, Knife slowly swim parallel at surface, excellent fluke views
03/12/2019 10:40 am 15 24 574/061 28 411
2.2 miles from shore
Digit glides slowly underneath at 10 ft, belly up
Date/Time: 19/12/2022 12:00 am
Location: 15 16 100/061 26 978
4.5 miles from shore
Activity: Digit swims with Fork, joins Hope and Canopener as group exchanges codas

Date/Time: 05/12/2022 12:16 pm
Location: 15 21 649/061 26 672
2 miles from shore
Activity: Digit dives afar

Date/Time: 05/12/2022 11:02 am
Location: 15 26 387/061 26 766
3 miles from shore
Activity: Digit swims belly up below, remains deep

Date/Time: 16/12/2022 1:09 pm
Location: 15 20 058/061 25 950
2 miles from shore
Activity: Digit makes close beautiful pass

Date/Time: 10/12/2022 2:41 pm
Location: 15 22 033/061 26 983
2 miles from shore
Activity: Digit and Pinchy make slow close pass

Date/Time: 09/12/2019 1:25 pm
Location: 15 20 559/061 28 647
4.8 miles from shore
Activity: Digit glides while in tactile contact with Canopener, Hope at 15 ft, surface lazily as they continue swimming

Date/Time: 02/12/2019 12:01 pm
Location: 15 20 394/061 28 615
4.8 miles from shore
Activity: Digit sleeps among members of Units U and F

Date/Time: 09/12/2019 10:16 am
Location: 15 21 616/061 27 809
3.6 miles from shore
Activity: Digit and 5 whales slowly approach, dive to glide at 10 ft, intertwine emitting codas, clicks, all whales dive deeper

Date/Time: 03/12/2019 11:40 am
Location: 15 26 251/061 29 322
2.5 miles from shore
Activity: Digit, Canopener, Knife slowly swim parallel at surface, excellent fluke views

Date/Time: 03/12/2019 10:40 am
Location: 15 24 574/061 28 411
2.2 miles from shore
Activity: Digit glides slowly underneath at 10 ft, belly up

Explore Unit F

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