Canopener’s Calf
Gender Unknown,
Unit U

Born: 2020
Mother: Canopener

Born: 2020
Mother: Canopener

During our 2019 field season we noted that Canopener appeared to be pregnant. She was large and robust, and her stomach was noticeably distended. Members of her social group constantly swarmed and rubbed against her in a tactile and affectionate manner as they traveled. We do not know if the pronounced display of demonstrative behavior towards Canopener was associated with her pregnancy, but it was fascinating to witness.

In 2021, we observed Canopener swimming in tandem with a yearling calf by her side. Given the estimated age of the calf and their close proximity, we surmise that this is her offspring. The sighting was brief and we await confirmation of the parentage of the calf upon further investigation.

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Smooth pectoral fins, no facial markings
Smooth underside, no obvious markings
Pristine flukes

Last Observed

Date / Time Location Activity
25/11/2021 12:14 pm 15 28 813/061 35 119
6.5 miles from shore
Canopener and calf swim speedily off shore towards Guadeloupe
25/11/2021 11:35 am 15 27 601/061 34 340
3 miles from shore
Calf swims near to Canopener as they travel offshore towards Guadeloupe
Date/Time: 25/11/2021 12:14 pm
Location: 15 28 813/061 35 119
6.5 miles from shore
Activity: Canopener and calf swim speedily off shore towards Guadeloupe

Date/Time: 25/11/2021 11:35 am
Location: 15 27 601/061 34 340
3 miles from shore
Activity: Calf swims near to Canopener as they travel offshore towards Guadeloupe

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