Female, Unit A

Born: <2005
Mother: Unknown

Born: <2005
Mother: Unknown

Atwood is an amicable elder central to the social structure of Unit A whose birth year is unknown. She is the ‘A’ after which the social group is named, as in Atwood’s Unit.  This matriarch is a frequent and favored caretaker within the family and exudes an air of quiet confidence and equanimity. 

We documented her nursing a weeks-old male calf in November, 2021, who we believed to be her offspring. Unfortunately the tiny calf did not survive through the following year.

In the years prior to being engrossed in the responsibilities of raising a newborn calf, Atwood was often seen accompanying youngsters Aurora, Accra, and Ariel. A very relaxed guardian, she frequently swam with two or three calves in tow, steadily emitting streams of clicks and codas. We nearly always observe this calm, mellow whale in the company of multiple members of her group.

In addition to being congenial within her group, Atwood has also been cooperative with researchers. During one swim-along encounter, she intentionally slowed her pace to maintain eye contact and stopped to assume a vertical position directly below us for several moments. On many occasions she has been seen swimming with a slack jaw and loosely open mouth.

In 2022, Atwood maintained her relaxed demeanor among our researchers as she approached within feet of us in the company of family members. Despite having been tagged by CETI, she leisurely swam close enabling us to capture imagery for identification. At one point she and Lady Oracle were filmed swimming side-by-side with their mouths open and Atwood’s tag marks on full display.

Scallop on right fin, sculpted left fin, small bumps at front of nose
Small triangular white patch on underside
Serrated edges, most distinct protrusion on left fluke

Dec 9, 2022

Nov 22, 2021

Dec 7, 2022

Dec 8, 2019

Dec 8, 2019

Dec 7, 2022

Nov 22, 2021

Dec 9, 2022

Dec 4, 2019

Dec 8, 2019

Dec 7, 2022

Dec 9, 2022

Dec 7, 2019

Dec 4, 2019

Last Observed

Date / Time Location Activity
09/12/2022 11:54 am 15 20 089/061 28 720
2.5 miles from shore
Atwood and family are disrupted from sleep by free divers so they ascend and depart
09/12/2022 10:51 am 15 20 273/061 28 464
3 miles from shore
Atwood stops with LO and Aurora to begin sleeping in vertical position
09/12/2022 10:17 am 15 20 967/061 28 491
3 miles from shore
Atwood and LO make exquisite open mouthed pass
22/11/2021 12:24 pm 15 19 823/061 32 060
9 miles from shore
Atwood, Snow Woman swim with tiny calves tucked underneath
22/11/2021 12:04 pm 15 19 823/061 32 060
8 + miles from shore
Atwood nurses her tiny calf as they surface and begin swimming
22/11/2021 11:29 am 15 19 823/061 32 060
7.7 miles from shore
Atwood nurses a tiny calf as she sleeps among social group
21/11/2021 1:00 pm 15 10 578/061 23 206
8 miles from shore
Atwood is followed by her new calf as she leads traveling Unit A, group dives, calf nurses from Lady Oracle
10/12/2019 1:05 pm 15 20 201/061 29 622
5.8 miles from shore
Atwood and Unit A sleep peacefully, flares her pectoral fins while surfacing to swim away from disruptive tourists
Date/Time: 09/12/2022 11:54 am
Location: 15 20 089/061 28 720
2.5 miles from shore
Activity: Atwood and family are disrupted from sleep by free divers so they ascend and depart

Date/Time: 09/12/2022 10:51 am
Location: 15 20 273/061 28 464
3 miles from shore
Activity: Atwood stops with LO and Aurora to begin sleeping in vertical position

Date/Time: 09/12/2022 10:17 am
Location: 15 20 967/061 28 491
3 miles from shore
Activity: Atwood and LO make exquisite open mouthed pass

Date/Time: 22/11/2021 12:24 pm
Location: 15 19 823/061 32 060
9 miles from shore
Activity: Atwood, Snow Woman swim with tiny calves tucked underneath

Date/Time: 22/11/2021 12:04 pm
Location: 15 19 823/061 32 060
8 + miles from shore
Activity: Atwood nurses her tiny calf as they surface and begin swimming

Date/Time: 22/11/2021 11:29 am
Location: 15 19 823/061 32 060
7.7 miles from shore
Activity: Atwood nurses a tiny calf as she sleeps among social group

Date/Time: 21/11/2021 1:00 pm
Location: 15 10 578/061 23 206
8 miles from shore
Activity: Atwood is followed by her new calf as she leads traveling Unit A, group dives, calf nurses from Lady Oracle

Date/Time: 10/12/2019 1:05 pm
Location: 15 20 201/061 29 622
5.8 miles from shore
Activity: Atwood and Unit A sleep peacefully, flares her pectoral fins while surfacing to swim away from disruptive tourists