Fingers' Calf
Female, Unit F

Born: 2021
Mother: Fingers

Born: 2021
Mother: Fingers

During our 2022 field session, Fingers was consistently seen with a small calf whom we believed to be her offspring. The young calf appeared to be a healthy yearling female.

We first observed her swimming in tandem with her mother, occasionally slipping underneath Fingers to peek at us while the pair was traveling. Once the little calf warmed up to us she became increasingly bold, playful and curious. On several days she approached us on her own, stopping to log on the surface, hover underneath us, summersault, twirl, bubble, scan and investigate our team.

When she wasn’t engaging with observers, Fingers’ calf seemed to be very attached to her mother. During our 2022 field study, the only adult we saw her traveling with was Fingers. Other whales from her family group were nearby, but the calf tucked under her mother’s comfort and protection whenever possible.

Fingers’ calf’s instinctive reliance on her mother may have been amplified by the increase of swim-with-whales tourism in Dominica. In late November 2022, we witnessed the calf being struck by a tour boat as it positioned to place snorkelers in the water. The catamaran motored so close to the whales that the boat’s pontoon grazed the calf. The startled baby immediately bolted towards her mother and the two were seen close together for the remainder of the day, actively avoiding boats.

When we saw her again several days later, we entered the water well away from the calf and allowed her to approach us on her own terms. Moments later she initiated a relaxed, intimate, and extended encounter which we interpreted as a sign of reciprocation for the respect we showed to the young whale.

Smooth pectoral fins, no facial markings
Smooth underside, no obvious markings
Pristine flukes

Dec 16, 2022

Dec 4, 2022

Dec 16, 2022

Nov 29, 2022

Nov 25, 2022

Dec 2, 2022

Dec 4, 2022

Nov 28, 2022

Dec 16, 2022

Nov 29, 2022


Last Observed

Date / Time Location Activity
18/12/2022 11:15 am 15 18 164/061 26 732
3.5 miles from shore
Fingers’ calf playfully rolls to show belly, makes relaxed shallow dive
18/12/2022 10:40 am 15 17 535/061 25 987
3.5 miles from shore
Fingers and calf approach with Pinchy, pair splits off for beautiful extended swim along
16/12/2022 12:36 pm 15 20 256/061 27 314
3 miles from shore
Fingers and calf approach from afar for close pass and swim along encounter
05/12/2022 10:08 am 15 21 698/061 27 571
2.5 miles from shore
Fingers and calf swim by at mid-distance
04/12/2022 9:41 am 15 14 269/061 27 034
5 miles from shore
Extended encounter as calf floats and listens to her social group, drops underwater to circle, scan, investigate us, slowly meanders away
Date/Time: 18/12/2022 11:15 am
Location: 15 18 164/061 26 732
3.5 miles from shore
Activity: Fingers’ calf playfully rolls to show belly, makes relaxed shallow dive

Date/Time: 18/12/2022 10:40 am
Location: 15 17 535/061 25 987
3.5 miles from shore
Activity: Fingers and calf approach with Pinchy, pair splits off for beautiful extended swim along

Date/Time: 16/12/2022 12:36 pm
Location: 15 20 256/061 27 314
3 miles from shore
Activity: Fingers and calf approach from afar for close pass and swim along encounter

Date/Time: 05/12/2022 10:08 am
Location: 15 21 698/061 27 571
2.5 miles from shore
Activity: Fingers and calf swim by at mid-distance

Date/Time: 04/12/2022 9:41 am
Location: 15 14 269/061 27 034
5 miles from shore
Activity: Extended encounter as calf floats and listens to her social group, drops underwater to circle, scan, investigate us, slowly meanders away

Explore Unit F